Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kismet, or having friends in "perfect" places

So, after I posted a link to this blog on my Facebook page, a friend let us know that her sister had a flat in Florence. Several emails, a few Facebook messages and "boom," we have three of our nights in Florence arranged! Here is a photo of the place -- which looks absolutely smashing! This apartment is a part of the network which has vacation rentals-by-owner available all over the world.

Then, as we were lounging in our easy chairs watching re-runs of CBS Sunday Morning (yep, we are geeks), another dear friend called to offer guide books, maps and all manner of travel insights and goodies. We spent the better part of the afternoon talking with her and of course it has ramped up our excitement. It is starting to feel more and more "real" for me. I am emerging from the fantasy cocoon and ready to do this!

We are excited and feel blessed by the kindness of our friends.

Ms. T. J.

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